
To commission artwork please contact me at
25/hr plus materials

Friday, December 24, 2010

Rush job Christmas Card.

John drew the card this year and I slapped some color on it in photoshop before sending it to the printers.  Very cartoony this year. :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Life Drawing Watercolors

Wish I could take another life drawing class but they only offer it now on Sunday mornings.  These are a few watercolors from my last class.  I love the cooler weather, it always makes me feel more creative. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

Children's Mural: Super Mario Style

My friends Justin and Angela asked me if I'd be up for painting a mural for them in a Mario Brothers theme for their little boy.  I can't wait to meet the little guy, he's due sometime near the end of August.  :)  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.  I'm not quite finished with the project.  I'm painting shelves still but the mural part is complete yay! 

The beautiful quilt in progress is Angela's creation. 

They also made the mobile. Here's a close up shot of it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Merry Christmas!

John and I made our Christmas card again this year. The idea and sketch were all John. I was really excited with what he came up with! I had a great time painting the card. We switched media from last years card in watercolor and I really like how it came out in Photoshop.

I began by blocking in colors and then just using the dodge and burn tool for highlights and shadows. I think it was a good approach for such a mono-chromatic color scheme but I don't normally paint that way. It made the painting process go A LOT faster and we were all about a speedy finish. (We started the card kind of late this year.) I love, love, Love our Cintiq tablet! This was my first project with the tablet other then a few quick sketches. I'm looking forward to spending more time with it and hopefully getting faster. I'd love to eventually be able to speed paint like some of the artist demos I've watched on YouTube.

I don't think anyone got the reference in the text.  So I thought I'd post a link to the website that inspired John:  The style of bad grammar juxtaposed with cute and silly kittens and other adorable animals is a great pass time if you're bored.

In other news; I've been working on getting my website updated.  It's been slow going since our last computers untimely death. Once the template is set up again I'll have more updates there. :)