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25/hr plus materials

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall Art Classes

Last Wednesday was my life drawing class.  It's uninstructed and the models are all the same people from when I took the class a year ago so if you see familiar faces you're correct.  After some pencil sketches I switched to the ipad.  These were half hour poses.  I feel pretty happy that I was even able to finish a painting in that amount of time.  I liked the colors.  I see some progress in my color choices.  The skin tone isn't pasty white like some of my earlier paintings.   I worked on it a little after class to try and fix some things but I see it's still off  in areas in the portrait.  

I'm also taking a Figurative Master Painting class that teaches old master techniques.  Last class we practiced under painting in oils.  We used just one mid-tone thinned down with Turpenoid and then erased back to the white of the canvas by dabbing with a cloth wrapped finger.  We'll have a model in the next class.  I'm looking forward to trying this technique on the human form.  :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ipad Sketches

I've really had a lot of fun sketching on my ipad.  I use the Procreate ap because I love the simplicity of the interface.  Here are a few of my favorite sketches so far.  The woman's face below is part of a sketch I'm not finished with yet but I think her face will probably be my favorite part.  We'll see how it turns out.  

I really like the colors in this next sketch.  I was inspired by a Loreena McKennet song, The Highway Man.  It's a sad Romeo and Juliet kind of tale where love doesn't win the day, instead it belongs to tragedy.