
To commission artwork please contact me at
25/hr plus materials

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Master Painting Class Update

Here's the finished under painting:
This is about 8 hours of work.  It was scary at first to start painting over the under painting but it was nice to have a second chance to correct.  

This is a picture of my progress from the last class.  I'm going to have to finish up at home.  Still not sure on what to do for the background. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Painting Juliet

Wednesday Class
Today felt like a struggle. This was the best of the 3 paintings in class.  The pose in class was for 45 minutes.  I worked on it after class a little too.  Models in the past were all elderly or at older with more lines.  I think it was harder to draw someone young and ideal and still get a close likeness   I wish I had more time to get it right.  

Sunday Class

The same model is posing for the rest of my Master Painting Technique classes.  So I thought I'd post the progress photos in this entry.  I worked in class and then took a photo of the models face so I could continue working on it after class so this is more then 3 hours of work, maybe closer to 7 and 1/2 hours.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall Art Classes

Last Wednesday was my life drawing class.  It's uninstructed and the models are all the same people from when I took the class a year ago so if you see familiar faces you're correct.  After some pencil sketches I switched to the ipad.  These were half hour poses.  I feel pretty happy that I was even able to finish a painting in that amount of time.  I liked the colors.  I see some progress in my color choices.  The skin tone isn't pasty white like some of my earlier paintings.   I worked on it a little after class to try and fix some things but I see it's still off  in areas in the portrait.  

I'm also taking a Figurative Master Painting class that teaches old master techniques.  Last class we practiced under painting in oils.  We used just one mid-tone thinned down with Turpenoid and then erased back to the white of the canvas by dabbing with a cloth wrapped finger.  We'll have a model in the next class.  I'm looking forward to trying this technique on the human form.  :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ipad Sketches

I've really had a lot of fun sketching on my ipad.  I use the Procreate ap because I love the simplicity of the interface.  Here are a few of my favorite sketches so far.  The woman's face below is part of a sketch I'm not finished with yet but I think her face will probably be my favorite part.  We'll see how it turns out.  

I really like the colors in this next sketch.  I was inspired by a Loreena McKennet song, The Highway Man.  It's a sad Romeo and Juliet kind of tale where love doesn't win the day, instead it belongs to tragedy.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Last weekend I went sketching with my hubby at a cafe.  It was fun and thought I'd share.  :)  The camera perspective is kind of strange.  

Friday, February 3, 2012

ZBrush: Luggarth model

This is something I started on in the Intro to Zbrush class.  It had a lot wrong with it so I spent some time yesterday trying to fix it up.  I began the body in Zspheres and then converted it to a polymesh and then turned on dynamesh to correct the proportions.  I know that's a lot of geek speak if you don't use the program.  I like where it's going so far.  I can't wait to paint it! : D  

Friday, January 27, 2012

ZBrush Intermediate Class

This was a screen grab from a 3d model I'm working on in Zbrush.  I'll post more pictures as it progresses.  Maybe we'll even get into texturing in this class. :)  I can't wait!
New in progress picture.  I love the software update addition of dynamesh.  It redistributes the spans of the 3d mesh in such a work flow friendly way.  So I just kept on modeling down from the head for the entire body and it kept giving me the geometry I needed.  Today I'll be working on the feet and the hands and maybe I'll do some sketches of for the final pose and armor.
I started using reference for the abs.  Still a long way to go.  I'm trying to come up with some armor sketches next. :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Statue of Mary Restoration

Before photos of the statue:

In Progress:

After Photos:

This statue was pretty challenging.  As always the difficult part is the sanding/smoothing of the cracks.  In this case the cracks were in the statue itself not the paint.  So I smoothed them and then filled and sanded the rough spots.  Next up was quite a few priming coats.  Then the best part...the actual painting!  I used Nova color acrylic paints.  I painted the robes first because it's the largest area and then began the skin tones.  I'm always happiest when all the bright white is off the statue.  Then your eye can really see the colors.  I gave it a matte varnish finish but it still made it glossy.  This was a really fun commission!